Background This assignment is related to the Summary & Response…

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This assignment is related to the Summary & Response paper, which is linked here: Summary & Response paper assignmentLinks to an external site..
A sample Summary & Response paper is linked here: Sample Summary & ResponseLinks to an external site.
Drafting is an essential step in the step in the writing process. All writers produce drafts, and professional writers produce multiple drafts before they publish their work. Because you are a college writer, you will produce a draft of your Summary & Response paper before you hand your final paper. Drafts represent your thinking, but they are not an end to your thinking. The act of writing will create new ways of thinking and learning.
Remember that the purpose of the writing this six-paragraph Summary & Response essay is to practice the following skills:
Reading, understanding, and identifying the main ideas of an article
Summarizing and responding to the main ideas
Using the essay to explain your own ideas
Practicing integrating (including) information from sources into your own writing.
Open the Summary & Response AssignmentLinks to an external site.. It lists the requirements of the paper and lays out the structure of the paper, paragraph by paragraph.
Access the Paper Planner that you have already completed. It is in your Google Drive. Your planner, which follows the same structure as the Summary & Response Assignment, has your own notes that remind you what you decided to write in each paragraph.
Review the notes you took on chapters 6.2 and 9.4 in Writing for Success.
Set up a new document in MLA format according to the instructions in one of these videos: MLA Format in WordLinks to an external site. or MLA Format in Google DocsLinks to an external site..
Turn the notes from your Paper Planner into complete sentences to form paragraphs and write your first draft of your Summary & Response paper. You will write 6 paragraphs in all.
On the final page of your draft, include the work cited show in bold below because your paper includes ideas that belong to Kate Manne or that were reported by Kate Manne:
Work Cited
Manning, Kate. “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company. 19 Sept. 2015,

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