Having fun reading these stories? Of course you are! We are almost done with the short story portion of our Fiction Unit! After you have read the three stories assigned for this week, “The Storm” by Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, and “The Open Boat” by Stephan Crane, please do the following:
please answer these 7 questions use the links as reference.
1. Analyze how the setting in Chopin’s “the storm” affects our overall understanding of the events that take place in the story. Use one to two quotes from the story to support your answer.
2. Give me an example (please provide an actual quotation or paraphrase) of each narrative technique using any of the stories we read so far for our section unit: use the following narrative techniques:
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3. Give me an example (please provide an actual quotation or paraphrase) of each narrative technique using any novel show or film that you have researched outside of this class. Make sure to contextualize each example to make it easier for your classmates and me to understand. use the following narrative techniques:
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4. In a paragraph describe your style? Is there a rider you try to emulate when you write? Is there a specific way you try to sound? If you’re not sure about your style you may want to think about what you would like your style of writing to be as you develop your writing skills.
5. Describe Kate Chopin’s style of writing, and the tone of her text the story of an hour 179 to 181 make sure to support your claim with evidence from her story.
6. Find 3 examples of deliberate diction, being used to create an certain tone style or meaning in a text. Your examples can be from fiction film media like tweets and so on make sure to contextualize and explain each example.
7. What’s the theme of the open boat by Stephen crane? Explain why you think the story has this particular theme. provide an example.