repond I enjoyed reading the poems assigned this week. The

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I enjoyed reading the poems assigned this week. The poem I enjoyed the most was, “To His Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell. This is a metaphysical poem that explores the themes of love, time, and mortality. The speaker of the poem is trying to persuade his lover to have sex with him by arguing that their time together is limited and that they should make the most of it while they can. In the last stanza, “And while thy willing soul transpires / At every pore with instant fires / Now let us sport us while we may, / And now, like amorous birds of prey” (lines 3-6).
I can relate to this poem as a woman. As a woman, I feel this poem is good example of the strategies some men use to in order to have an intimate relationship with someone. The author uses hyperbole in the first stanza to describe his love for the mistress. “An hundred years should go to praise / Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; / Two hundred to adore each breast, / But thirty thousand to the rest;” (13-16). This highlights some of the exaggerated lies men will tell to have an intimate relationship.

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